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My Hands Are Aching to Hold You!!
Or is it Arthritis!!

A too-firm handshake is painful. Tying shoelaces was routine, now it is a labored effort. Forget about opening that pickle jar or lifting that iron skillet.

Such activities are hardships for the twenty million sufferers of arthritis who spend more than a billion dollars annually for "temporary relief."

Arthritis is a chemical imbalance in the body that often results from wrong eating, drinking and thinking and with an improperly functioning nervous system.

Body tissues and organs are maintained in perfect health by the nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal column and spinal nerves.

Interference with the nerves to the digestive organs can cause a chemical imbalance through improperly digested foods and when the kidneys and bowels are unable to rid the body of excess waste, the build up may cause us to be still and sore. When the glandular system secretes excess hormones due to nerve interference and/or excess emotions, the hormones which are acid, begin to eat on us if not utilized or eliminated.

Chiropractic care, along with proper diet, rest, exercise and a balanced mental attitude helps restore the body's systems back to normal functioning efficiency. Give Chiropractic Care a chance to help you become more healthy.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
These tips can help you steer clear of pain & keep you feeling your best.