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Bursitis is an inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a sac or saclike cavity filled with fluid and situated at places in the tissues where friction would otherwise develop. The fluid acts as a lubricant to tendons where they pass over a bony prominence.

While the shoulder is the most common site of bursitis, it can also appear in the elbow, knee, hip and foot.

Bursitis may be acute or chronic. It starts with localized pain and tenderness and with immobility in various ranges of motion. The chronic or severe pain in the shoulder joint will cause the sufferer to limit or reduce the use of the joint. When the joint motion is limited over a period of time, it can result in a "frozen shoulder."

The causes of bursitis may be due to trauma, acute or chronic infection, rheumatoid arthritis or gout. These conditions are almost always associated with a disturbed physiology which is normally maintained and controlled by the body's nervous system.

Any interference with the normal nerve supply to a joint, like the shoulder, can result in a direct involvement with the bursal sac. An indirect involvement is created when the body's physiology is disturbed due to an insufficient nerve supply from the brain and spinal cord to organs involved in maintaining the viscosity of the bursal sac fluids and uric acid levels.

While cases of bursitis respond readily to chiropractic care, it also helps to limit the intake of acid-forming foods such as proteins and sugars. In addition, because hormones are slightly acidic and are produced by stress, it is helpful to avoid stressful situations.

Chiropractic spinal adjustments, along with dietary changes, stress reduction, rest and sensible mild exercise are all that is usually needed to clear up even the most stubborn cases of Bursitis.

Need help with a Bursitis condition? We're ready and willing to help you!

These tips can help you steer clear of pain & keep you feeling your best.