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Torticollis and Torture...or, My Neck is Killing Me

Anyone afflicted with Torticollis, also called "wry neck" or dystonia, knows "torture." Torticollis is a set of symptoms that include severe spasms of the muscles in the neck, which draw the shoulder up and the head down toward the shoulder. Severe pain results. Torticollis can cause disfigurement when the sufferer cannot straighten out the head and may include uncontrollable, abnormal movements.

In the past, sufferers looking for a cure for Torticollis were told that certain toxic drugs could be used to maintain some approximation of normalcy. You could expect to try a variety before you might find one with, at best, short-term effects. Some of these drugs have damaging, long-lasting side effects, including respiratory failure and death. Sufferers were also told that exercises sometimes worked - or not. Surgery, another option, involved killing part of the brain or sets of nerve roots close to the spinal cord.

None of these options is a cure for anything. They overlook the cause and effect relationship that created the Torticollis symptoms in the first place. According to research in the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, when examining Torticollis, "the two most common findings are a unilateral subluxation between vertebrae C2 and C3, and a rotary subluxation between the atlas and the epistroheus." This means one or more of the top three bones in the neck are misaligned and are stuck out of place. this begins a dangerous, painful cascade of damage to the body. What results, for some, is the torture of Torticollis.

According to research done at the University of Colorado, the vertebral subluxation complex causes pressure to be placed on a nerve root. This interferes with signals flowing from the brain. The brain isn't able to tell the body what to do. Research from the "Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery" states that immobilization (subluxation) of any spinal segments sets in motion a degenerative process that affects ligaments, cartilage, and discs. This dysfunctional change can also cause a shortening of the muscles associated with the subluxated spinal bones.

Spinal mobility is essential to health. Toticollis is the result of spinal immobility (subluxation). It's common sense. To cure Torticollis, one must return the spine to its mobile, healthy (not subluxated) state. By returning the bones of the neck to their proper position, the compressed nerves are freed and the brain can send signals again. Degeneration stops. Muscle spasms relax. The neck can return to normal. The result is no pain and no Torticollis. Research from the International Chiropractic Association shows a success rate of over 90%.

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