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Startling News-MIGRAINE
Between 20 and 45 million people in the United States suffer form headaches each year. According to U. S. News and World Report magazine, this accounts for over $2 BILLION dollars spent for over-the-counter medications and 50 million doctor office visits. There are 157 million workdays and over a million school days lost because of headaches. Migraines, a common, very severe type of headache are responsible for at least half of those missed days, medications taken, and medical office visits made.

My Hands Are Aching to Hold You!!
A too-firm handshake is painful. Tying shoelaces was routine, now it is a labored effort. Forget about opening that pickle jar or lifting that iron skillet.

Such activities are hardships for the twenty million sufferers of arthritis who spend more than a billion dollars annually for "temporary relief."

BURSITIS-There is Hope and Help
Bursitis is an inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a sac or saclike cavity filled with fluid and situated at places in the tissues where friction would otherwise develop. The fluid acts as a lubricant to tendons where they pass over a bony prominence.

Bursitis_Pain You Don't Have to Live With
Of the millions who suffer the recurring and agonizing pain of Bursitis, Chiropractic is fast becoming the treatment of choice. Chiropractors provide gentle treatment to correct the cause of this often disabling condition. Bursitis can occur in almost any joint of the body, but the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee are the most commons areas of involvement.

Sciatica:Hip-to-Foot Burning, Back and Leg Pain, Numbness
These tips can help you steer clear of pain & keep you feeling your best.