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Golf is becoming more and more popular in the United States. Golf includes exercise, requires skill, and creates an atmosphere of fellowship among players. Ask the right golfer and you'll find out just how important golf is to doing business, too. Avid golfers are everywhere.

That Guy....Arthur Itis He's such A Pain!!
THAT ARTHUR ITIS! What A Pain! I'd end my relationship with him in a snap of my fingers, If I could only get my poor fingers to work!

Recently, I heard someone say, "I used to not believe in chiropractic, but I do now." What really made me smile was the notion that chiropractic was something you could believe or disbelieve.

Going through the carpal tunnel
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome refers to a variety of symptoms, including numbness, tingling and pain the in the hand, wrist and arm and associated weakness or wasting away of hand muscles that are supplied by the Median Nerve. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when tendons in the wrist become inflamed after being aggravated. A tunnel of bones and ligaments in the wrist narrows, pinching nerves that reach the fingers and the muscle at the base of the thumb.

Startling News-MIGRAINE
Between 20 and 45 million people in the United States suffer form headaches each year. According to U. S. News and World Report magazine, this accounts for over $2 BILLION dollars spent for over-the-counter medications and 50 million doctor office visits. There are 157 million workdays and over a million school days lost because of headaches. Migraines, a common, very severe type of headache are responsible for at least half of those missed days, medications taken, and medical office visits made.

These tips can help you steer clear of pain & keep you feeling your best.